Tania de Jong: “Psychedelics and singing are both extremely healing.”

Tania de Jong is a leading soprano and one of Australia’s most successful female entrepreneurs and innovators developing five businesses and two charities over three decades.  As an award-winning social entrepreneur, creative innovation authority, global speaker, and spiritual journey-woman, Tania works across the public, private, creative and social sectors. As an artist she performs internationally with her group Pot-Pourri and presents magical performances  across musical and theatre genres and hse uses breath, voice, song and sound for healing and transformation.

Tania believes that combining psychedelics and singing as healing therapies will lead to significant outcomes around increased neuroplasticity of the brain, and improvement from conditions including anxiety, addiction, depression, stroke and dementia, and she sees it as her mission to change the world “one voice at a time”.

Tania’s presentation at Beyond Psychedelics 2018 is titled: Psychedelics and Singing for a healthier, happier and more inclusive future“

Tania de Jong, source: Internet

What do you think about Beyond Psychedelics 2018?

I am very excited to be presenting and performing at this event. It’s a wonderful lineup of presenters from around the globe sharing this very important learning and teaching in a beautiful city.

How do you feel about the current situation around psychedelics?

I feel very angry that the medical and psychological benefits of psychedelics remain largely obscured and hidden. This is to the enormous detriment of millions of people and the health, happiness, inclusivity and future of our humanity and world.

What do you consider to be the biggest challenges of the current psychedelic movement?

The challenge is to ensure that psychedelics become available globally for medical purposes under professional guidance (including with experienced sitters). The challenge is to get traction in a world where there are so many vested interests in preserving the status quo.

Do you think psychedelic experience (and/or altered state of consciousness induced by other means) should be compulsory part of training for mental health professionals?

YES this is enormously important.

How do you envision the ideal society in terms of psychoactive substances and altered states of consciousness?

That everybody is educated about their beneficial uses and has access to them, provided they are administered with proper guidance and with healthy intentions.

What do you consider to be the greatest benefit of psychedelics?

Raising consciousness and deepening our understanding of oneness – we are all connected.

Reducing fear of death and helping people to become more whole.

We believe in the importance of interdisciplinary, intercultural and international collaboration. Between which areas do you think new synergies would be effective to develop? Which of those synergies already happening do you see as the biggest potentials for the future of psychedelic studies? Do you think that western science and practice should collaborate more with the traditional healers?

I believe there are major synergies between singing as a group/community and psychedelics. Both are extremely healing and create a sense of connection, harmony, unity/oneness. Both take participants into a mind-altered state and raise consciousness and loving awareness.

Which is your favorite psychedelic substance and why?

So far it is psilocybin because the mushrooms in their wholeness appear to connect to our individual psyche and take the participant exactly to the places within them that need healing.

What do you see as the “shadow sides” or “dark sides” of psychedelics? Which topics do you feel are not being presented enough or appropriately.

Being used inappropriately without guidance or positive intention, wrong dosages being used (too low or too high)

Since your own personal experience plays a big role, would you be open to sharing some of your own psychedelic experiences – which were the most beneficial / harmful / strange for you?

So far totally beneficial. Has increased my understanding and deeper acceptance of all that is, raised my consciousness and helped me to find my true essence/wholeness.